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Hybrid Workplace


Future Workspaces

for the Millennials


Holland Village,




The culture of work is changing. Just two decades ago, work would have meant going to an assigned space to perform a designated list of tasks. However, with globalization and technological advances, these practices are all set to change; Rigid hierarchical structures are rendered irrelevant making way for new office environments that can encourage creativity and collaborations across a flat organization structure.


Hence, in anticipation of the increasing adoption of flexibility in contemporary work cultures, the objective of the third year integrated project is to investigate into the future of workspaces for the millennial through the vehicle of a serviced office.




At the start, ideas were articulated to address the idiosyncratic nature of the site. As such, Holland Village is perceived as an epitome of socio-cultural pluralism.


With a large portion of residential estates and commercial businesses flanking the site, thoughts were instigated on how the building morphology can address these disparate socio-cultural forces.




"In today cities, designers are faced with the challenge of creating outdoor environments as collective, unifying frameworks for new development."

Roger Trancik, Finding Lost Space


With the increasing complexities of our pluralistic society, it is integral for architecture to respond and resolve the intricacies of the urban environment. Architecture should not exist as a singular entity but rather a collective entity of its context.


Henceforth, the Urban Collective explores the possibility for a building to function as an active symbiosis, leveraging on the vital bridging of the site's existing infrastructures and socio-cultural forces, to create an architecture that is part of the urban system. Moreover, with the millennials demand for an urban walkable lifestyle as well as the expanding nature of future careers, it is important to relook into the integration of architecture with the urban fabric.

© Sean Ow Jou Chern / Design Portfolio 2024. All rights reserved.

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